Documents & Reports
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Capital Lake ---Who is Responsible For It--DEIS
9-15-2021 Email to State Elected Officials-Capitol Lake---Who is responsible for it--DEI Read the Email
9-15-2021 Email to State Elected Officials-Capitol Lake---Who is responsible for it--DEI Read the Email
Introduction to Hybrid Waterfront Management Plan
Get engaged in the development of the State ⁄ DES produced Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to select a new long-term Community Plan for our Deschutes Urban Watershed and Capitol Lake.
Read the CLIPA Document- July 2018
Hybrid/Split Lake with Restored Estuary and Waterfront Plan
This plan provides specific benefits and advantages to the Community and Environment when compared to other alternatives being considered. Through compromise and creativity, it provides a remarkable system which balances the values and needs of our environment and the vast majority in our community. Read the CLIPA Document- July 2018
Review of Supplemental Modeling Scenario Report
The Washington Department of Ecology’s Report, “Supplementary Modeling Scenarios” purports to demonstrate that Capitol Lake has a negative effect on Puget Sound. That Report presents outputs of a complex computer simulation, the “Budd Inlet Model,” that are said to support the authors’ claims. That is not the case. In fact data in that
report supports the view that Capitol Lake’s effects on Puget Sound are actually beneficial. Summary, Outline, and Chapter or Full Report PDFs Dr. David H. Milne, PhD - July 2018
Map of the proposed Hybrid Waterfront Management Plan
Key new community projects and existing sources of contamination are super-imposed on an actual photo of the Urban Watershed.
View the Map PDF 1pg 1mb 11x17 CLIPA and Thurston GeoData Map 2018
Quick Reads
15 Reasons Why Capitol Lake is Better Than An Estuary
There is not even one scientifically demonstrable way in which the headwaters of an estuary improve the environment of Puget Sound and specifically the Budd Inlet estuary more than does Capitol Lake. Read the article
Dr. David H. Milne, PhD - June 2016
Dr. David H. Milne, PhD - June 2016
Deschutes Watershed District
Map of the Deschutes Watershed District
Descriptions of community focus areas, amenities & possible projects - April 2015 read article
Descriptions of community focus areas, amenities & possible projects - April 2015 read article
Review of the "Capitol Lake Alternatives Analysis- Final Report"
Address is what is happening in the Deschutes River watershed that results from silt and sediment, along with toxic chemicals from storm water run off. If the proper steps are taken to control storm water runoff, the managed lake alternative will result in less sediment reaching the marinas and Budd Inlet. read report
Wayne Daley CFS, Fisheries Biologist/Bioengineer - November 2012
Wayne Daley CFS, Fisheries Biologist/Bioengineer - November 2012
The Nature of Capitol Lake
Olympia began a Faustian bargain when it filled part of the Sound to create land for development. These uses have become a fixed part of life in this community. Capitol Lake has become part of this picture. read report
Kaye V. Ladd, PhD & Oscar H. Soule, PhD - July 2011
Kaye V. Ladd, PhD & Oscar H. Soule, PhD - July 2011
Impact on Fisheries & the Environment
I do not believe that turning the lake into a mud flat will enhance or improve the existing salmon and trout populations of the watershed. The restricted flow of water into the area above 4th avenue will not provide the typical flushing that would occur in an undisturbed estuary. read letter
Wayne Daley CFS, Fisheries Biologist/Bioengineer - March 2011
Wayne Daley CFS, Fisheries Biologist/Bioengineer - March 2011
F A Qs - Frequently Asked Questions - and the Answers
13 questions & answers about history, snails, costs, water quality . . .
- July 2010 read article
Know the Facts
Reflecting Lake or Estuary? There is no easy, cost-free solution.
- March 2010 read article
Science & Ecology
The managed lake option is the best alternative for
managing the Deschutes River’s annual sediment load. This insures the
continued viability of water dependent and public uses of the Olympia
Harbor. - March 2010 read article
In-Depth Reports
Budd Inlet Model Analysis
An analysis of the use and misuse of the Budd Inlet model, and how Capitol Lake protects Budd Inlet.
Read the article
Dr. David H. Milne, PhD - June 2016
Dr. David H. Milne, PhD - June 2016
Capitol Lake: The Healthiest Lake in Thurston County
Capitol Lake is an environmental treasure that is worthy of preservation for many reasons, and sustainable by well known routine management procedures for all of the foreseeable future. The Lake has changed in ways that require understanding and action after a long period of neglect.summary & report
David H. Milne - June 2015
David H. Milne - June 2015
The Construction and Maintenance Cost of Turning Capitol Lake into Tidal Mud Flats
CLAMPs contention that removal of the dam is less costly than maintaining the lake is severely flawed. Not only are the ten year costs of dam removal far higher than maintaining the lake ($157 million versus $23.5 million) the long term costs of maintaining and improving the lake are also far less. read report
Denis Curry - Updated June 2014
Denis Curry - Updated June 2014
Capitol Lake: Protector of Water Qualty in Budd Inlet
A review of the Wa. State Dept. of Ecology document "TMDL Tech Report (2012)". The conclusion of this review is that Capitol Lake is the Deschutes River Watershed's biggest and best asset for preventing and reducing water quality degradation in Budd Inlet. summary & report
David H. Milne - March 2014
David H. Milne - March 2014
Dredging & Sediment Cost Review
A review of the CLAMP documents related to the dredging requirements for the various alternatives for the Capitol Lake Basin. read report
Don Melnick and Bob Holman - July 2011
Don Melnick and Bob Holman - July 2011
A Review Of Economic Impacts Associated With Capitol Lake
Converting the Lake into tidal mudflats would contribute nothing to the economy and would seriously degrade current economic benefits along with the loss of intangibles such as aesthetics and public pride. read report
Denis Curry - September 2011
Denis Curry - September 2011
Review of Estuary Infrastructure Costs
The concept for realigning Deschutes Parkway and reconstructing 5th Avenue represents a significant reduction in the usefulness, aesthetic quality, and safety of the overall facility. I believe that the design suggested by CLAMP for the tidal basin alternatives would not ultimately be acceptable to the community . . . read report
Charles Gloyd, P.E. - August 2011
Charles Gloyd, P.E. - August 2011
The CLIPA White Paper
A realistic, practical & science based plan to improve water quality & sediment management in the Deschutes Watershed. Improving Capitol Lake requires a watershed-wide sustainable solution that is in line with the original lake vision as well as current and future needs.
- July 2010 - go to document