Capitol Lake Improvement & Protection Association 'CLIPA'
Capitol Lake
Save the Lake Preserve the Past Improve the Future
Capitol Lake
Capitol Lake Improvement & Protection Association 'CLIPA'
Save the Lake Preserve the Past Improve the Future

Cost Comparison: Capitol Lake vs Estuary - CLIPA White Paper (part 3)

The tables and illustrations below provide a cost comparison of maintaining Capitol Lake vs. reversion to an Estuary.

The "Plan" references are to information from CLAMP or CLIPA. The Remarks reference the source of the information from public reports. We took the "low estimate" from the CLAMP studies. Available, but not shown here, are CLAMP mid and high range cost estimates that vary wildly.


CLAMP projects that the Lake option will require removal and exporting of 875,000 cy of material at $23.25/cy. CLIPA's proposal is to initially remove 100,000 cy and then we estimated removing from the sediment trap the reoccurring sediment (35,000cy per year) on a three year cycle. CLIPA's estimate for the dredging for 50 years is $43,465,000.

This compares to the CLAMP low estimate for the Estuary of $114,500,000 (which provides for no exporting of sediment/relocates it in the lake.) We are unsure of how this estimate deals with the 35,000cy of sediment that will annually be deposited in the marine waters in the marina and Port area that will now become contaminated with dioxin. We are still researching this.

This comparison shows the CLIPA program as costing $71,035,000 less than the lowest reported Estuary cost by CLAMP. This is in contrast to the CLAMP Reports that show the Lake option costing $71,035,000 more than the Estuary (due entirely to the costing of sediment management and removal vs the CLAMP Estuary proposal of placing the initial dredge on the shores of the Lake and allowing the annual new sediment to deposit in the marina areas of lower Budd Inlet)

table 1
table 4


This is a different CLAMP Report that presents CLAMP costs for the Lake option at $191,600,000 and the Estuary option at $114,500,000. For some reason this report uses a cy cost of $84.91/cy for the lake option initially, then $64.74/cy for maintenance dredging. This is in contrast to the cy cost for the Estuary option of $39.85/cy initially and $33.17/cy for maintenance and reduces the maintenance quantity by 550,000cy, Recall that under the Estuary option, the maintenance dredging will be from the marina area with dioxin and boating traffic issues to deal with - but their unit cost comparison to the is presented as almost 100% less costly.

The CLIPA cost estimate, even using the CLAMP dredge unit cost data and the CLAMP maintenance quantity for the Lake is $64,526,438. This simple analysis using the CLAMP data shows the Lake cost as $49,973,562 less costly than the Estuary.

Other findings that we will be reporting on will show that in addition to the major cost savings associated with the Lake Option, the option will have environmental benefits that meet or exceed the best of the estuary option, it will provide better flood and seawater rise benefits, it retains the reflecting pool objectives and it provides all of the benefits that the lake offers to the community.

All but this last paragraph is documented from the CLAMP reports.

This is what should be referenced rather than the press releases from CLAMP that are misleading at best.

table 2
table 3

Cost Comparison: Capitol Lake vs Estuary - CLIPA White Paper (part 3)

Comparison of costs of Capitol Lake vs the Estuary option. The CLIPA program cost is significantly lower than the lowest reported CLAMP Estuary cost.
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