Olympia Yacht Club - a Save Capitol Lake Partner
The Olympia Yacht Club (OYC) strongly supports maintaining Capitol Lake through the Managed Lake Alternative. After lengthy review and involvement, the OYC has concluded that only with the Managed Lake Alternative as presented in the Capitol Lake Adaptive Management Plan (CLAMP) do we retain Olympia's character, our city waterfront and safe harbor, and an operative port facility.
If either of the Estuary Alternatives were selected and put in place, the Olympia community would lose not only Capitol Lake, but would very likely lose Percival Landing, the marinas and other water-dependent activities, and the Port of Olympia's waterfront facility. The public also would lose a significant part of our waterfront culture, our quality of life, and the attractions that are unique and special to Olympia.
In May 2009 OYC developed the Olympia Yacht Club Position Paper (4 page PDF)
In July 2010, CLIPA published a comprehensive study which includes our concerns and suggestions.
Please see the: CLIPA White Paper "Preserving Capitol Lake"
OYC Website www.olympiayachtclub.org
Olympia Yacht Club’s “Save The Lake Committee”
OYC is a water-dependent, community-based organization that has existed in the same general location since 1904. The marina and facilities are located downtown, on the city waterfront between Percival Landing and the Deschutes waterway.
Our organization of approximately 500 members from around the region will be significantly affected by the pending decision. OYC’s position on the future of Capitol Lake goes well beyond the impact to our facility.
We are a diverse organization made up of many generations of local residents who have been part of the history, culture and development of this region. We are your teachers and small business owners, mariners and electricians, public servants and entrepreneurs. And yes, some of us are ecologists, engineers, lawyers, judges, community activists, historians and natural resource scientists. Some of us were here when the original decision that resulted in the formation of Capitol Lake was made, a thoughtful process that has produced a site of great cultural and social significance.
We bring both the expertise and the hindsight to know that creating Capitol Lake was the right decision.